Our Supporters
LAGLA North East
It is important to continue to recognise and celebrate the LGBTQI+ communities and the contributions made by its individuals in order to combat prejudices that have long existed and continue to exist today. Western society has come a long way in terms of its treatment and recognition of the rights of people within the LGBTQI+ communities, however the hard won battles of the communities that brought it to where we are today can be easily forgotten, which we can see happening in other nations that are seemingly regressing with the introduction of laws detrimental to the LBGTQI+ communities.
Being an area of history that has been largely neglected until recently, an awareness of LGBTQI+ history can help educate people who may not otherwise have been aware of the important historical and social impact that individuals and groups within the LGBTQ community have had throughout history and helps others to recognise how important the LGBTQI+ community have been in shaping today’s society. An awareness of LGBTQI+ history is also key to challenging the view that LGBTQI+ issues are somehow a ‘modern’ occurrence in society, and is as necessary now as ever in a world that seems to be becoming increasingly hostile to civil liberties and social cohesion in general.
LAGLA North East are very proud supporters of LGBT History Project NE.

Prior Pursglove and Stockton Sixth Form College
It is vital that we are all made more aware of the important and wide-ranging contributions from LGBTQI+ individuals, groups and communities in the past to ensure that those who were marginalised, persecuted, silenced or ignored are given a voice and their due recognition. It is also important to raise awareness about the lack of LGBTQI+ visibility in the past and the reasons for this as, “those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it” and the earlier children learn about the richness and diversity of the human experience the more accepting they will be of all in the future.

Irwin Mitchell Solicitors
The IM Equal Committee at Irwin Mitchell Newcastle have chosen to donate all funds raised from its internal LGBT History Month Celebration to LGBT History Project NE.
An IM Equal Committee member attended the free Public Event held by LGBT History Project NE at the Civic Centre on 11th February 2017, and saw the incredible work that the organization does to support and educate people in relation to LGBTQI+ history. LGBTQI+ history is a vital aspect of moving forward in inclusivity and equality.
New Writing North

The LGBT History Project NE aims to give a voice to LGBTQI+ people and communities that have at been historically and institutionally marginalised. By raising awareness about LGBTQI+ issues at an educational level the LGBT History Project ensures that LGBTQI+ voices are both recognised and legitimised.
New Writing North supports LGBT History Project NE because we as an organisation believe in the importance of championing marginalised voices and representing narratives from all parts of society. We believe that in order to address the historical socio-economic imbalance within the arts and cultural sector, organisations must ensure equal opportunities and representation for groups that have been victims of negative discrimination.
An awareness of LGBTQI+ history celebrates the rich contribution that LGBTQI+ individuals and groups have given to improve the lives of wider society, as well as highlighting An awareness of the importance of LGBTQI+ history also allows people to recognise the ways in which society has, and needs to continue to change in order to move away from discriminatory practices. By making LGBTQI+ history visible, LGBT History Project paves the way for new generations of LGBTQI+ people.
The LGBT History Project NE is particularly necessary in the North East where, as an area of wide scale social deprivation, it is crucial to represent marginalised and intersectional voices in society.
LGBT* Northumbria

The aims of the project are important because, whether they have been visible or not, LGBTQI+ people have always existed and will continue to exist throughout time. It is important to recognize historical individuals who happened to be LGBTQI+ not only for their contributions to society, but to also celebrate their sexuality and gender diversity. These individuals should not be erased of their sexuality and/or gender identity, but rather we should take strength and inspiration from their courage to be who they are, even in times when it was illegal to do so. To acknowledge our history is to say that we have always been here, we will always be here, and we will never be stripped of our pride.
Raising awareness of LGBTQI+ history not only helps us to celebrate our past, but helps us to define our future. There are whole new generations of children and young people struggling with their identities, to hear about the history of LGBTQI+ individuals in school or literature will make them feel visible and legitimate. To know and understand the struggles of LGBTQI+ people in the past can help us to draw strength and inspiration for our present battles, to teach us that our fight is never quite over, yes we may have equal marriage in the UK but still in many countries around the world being LGBTQI+ is punishable by death.
Before her passing, MP Jo Cox had a message; "We are far more united and have far more in common that what divides us." Yes, being LGBTQI+ makes us diverse, but it is not the most interesting thing about us.